Jarrod Schulz bio, age, height, family, wife, storage wars, net worth

Jarrod Schulz biography

Jarrod Schulz is an American media personality and entrepreneur, he is known for his appearance on storage wars. he has featured on the reality series alongside  Brandi Passante.

Jarrod Schulz wiki

Schulz became interested in safes and lockers, and then in storage auctions. He met Brandi Passante, who became his wife later in life. Schulz was the sales manager at a carpet cleaning company where the two met.

Schulz is a risk-taker, and Passante is a strategist, so they complement each other perfectly.

Schulz and Brandi rose to prominence in 2010 after being cast in the A&E Network reality television series “Storage Wars.” The couple is referred to as “The Young Guns” on the show. Jarrod and Brandi have played in all 12 seasons and will continue to do so in the future.

Jarrod Schulz net worth

Schulz has an estimated net worth of $ 2 million dollars.

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Jarrod Schulz age

Schulz is 45 years old as of 2022. he was born on October 15 1978.

Jarrod Schulz height

he stands at a height of 6 feet 2 inches tall.

Jarrod Schulz family

Schulz was born and raised in the united states, by his family.

Jarrod Schulz wife

Schulz is currently not married, he was however involved with Brandi Passante his former wife. the two have two children, a daughter Peyton Schulz and a son Cameron.

Schulz and his partner, Brandi Passante, divorced during the break and kept their split largely hidden until early 2021. On camera, Brandi and Jarrod mostly ignore each other and make a few disparaging remarks. However, the shocking news of a fight recently broke out, proving they weren’t just acting up.

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how old is Jarrod Schulz?

Schulz is 45 years old as of 2022. he was born on October 15 1978.

is Jarrod Schulz married?

Schulz is currently not married, he was however involved with Brandi Passante his former wife. the two have two children, a daughter Peyton Schulz and a son Cameron.


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